Picture Perfect Brand Position | Bear Cub Events
I recently had the pleasure of working with a new event company in Traverse City, MI called Bear Cub Events, a family-driven brand that has discovered the sweet spot of authenticity and brand positioning.
Photo Credit - Kristina Sobel Photography
With a keen eye for artistry and event coordination, the owners appreciate the importance of great aesthetics when planning fun events for their kids’ birthday parties. But when it came to the centerpiece of any great birthday party - a bounce house - the market offered only loud, neon-colored options. This challenge led to the birth of Bear Cub Events, who specialize in beautiful neutral bounce houses.
I often talk about the brand principle of not being “generally better” than your competition, but rather being “specifically different.” Finding the whitespace in the market and providing a solution that can’t be found elsewhere automatically sets your brand up for success. Brands who do this are typically their own first customer, meaning the idea for the brand came out of their own consumer frustration. They solved their own problem first, and then marketed that solution for other like-minded people. These companies not only have a head-start in terms of brand differentiation, they also have a much easier time identifying their target market because their ideal customer is very similar to themselves, often sharing the same consumer frustrations, life stage, mindset and priorities. This is where good brand positioning meets brand authenticity.
Photo Credit - Kristina Sobel Photography
I had the pleasure of helping Bear Cub Events bring their brand to life with a new website, www.bearcubevents.com - check it out and let me know what you think!
Bear Cub Events is a testament to the power of smart brand positioning and the strength of authenticity. Whether you're planning a brand launch, a rebranding endeavor, or simply seeking clarity in your brand position and narrative, exploring Bear Cub Events can provide insights into the art of cohesive branding.
If you’d like help clarifying your own brand strategy or narrative, email me at anniesolembrand@gmail.com to book a free discovery call.